Saturday, August 6, 2011


I haven't written anythingnin quite a few days, so let me start by apologizing for that. But back to the issues at hand....

I recently the lost the last of my grandparents, to be specific my paternal grandmother. She was a great woman who loved with all her heart and protected with all she had. My grandmother was truly a blessing, I spoke at the funeral and one of the key things I pointed out was that she loved like God. She loved me and all of us, when we were at our worst like we were at our best. She gave and gave without pause, and did anything she could to help. Now don't get me wrong, she wasn't perfect but there was so much good there that it sometimes overshadowed the bad. I love her and she will be missed.

Now here we are today and I look at my children and the fact that they still have all their grandparents in their lives, and I see how the children love and react to their grands and how the grands love and react to them and I get to see how it was for us from a different perspective. And now I see, grandparents love the grandchildren more than they loved us and I think the kids love their grands more than they love us LOL.. But grandmothers especially.

Seriously though, there is an anointing and a freedom on grandmothers that allows them to love past all the issues their grandchildren have and pour out into them like no other. Let's face it, us parents have to deal with the actual raising of the children so we wear all those hats, but grandma is apparently called to just show them love, pure and unadulturated.

So this is a shout out to my wonderful grandmothers that have gone on to be with the Lord and to my children's grandmothers who are still here, thanks for loving the way you do it is priceless.

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