The message was basically that God is going to do better for us but we also need to do better for God.
He gave 5 points on what we need to do better, and these I felt were really on point:
1. Church Attendance
-Don't just come to church but come on time. We often feel it's not a big deal to miss Praise and Worship as long as we make it for the Sermon, but the truth is that Praise and Worship is what we do for God and the sermon is God giving back to us. When we miss Worship what we are basically saying is that we want what God has but we don't want to give him the Worship and Praise he deserves.
2. In our prayer life
-pray other than when other than when you need something
-pray everyday.
-walk throughout your day in a position to talk to and hear from God at any given time.
3. In Giving
-every year have a goal to give more than you did last year.
4. Inviting people to church.
-The Bible says "compel men to come"
-Pray, fast, and keep asking them to come if they refuse
5. In serving.
-everybody should be working at the church
-don't be a taker only be a giver.
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